Here’s what you’re getting

If, like me, you think just about everything is going crazy, I want to provide you with an anti-safe space. I want this anti-safe space to be inclusive to all those who think safe spaces are USDA Prime grade bullshit, the type which fills the breakfast bowls of social justice warriors, Bernie bros and the red and blue-headed feminazis that characterize the milennial generation.

I’m going to follow the The Dangerous Faggot tour a la Milo Yiannopoulos, because the quality of theater from both Milo himself and his rabid, craven and often completely mental disruptors is too good to miss. Dave Rubin is another voice I echo, as well as Gavin McInnes, Sargon of Akkad, Stefbot, Tom Woods, Peter Schiff, the late great Christopher Hitchens and several others.

I aim to post at least once every two days. If you have a topic you think deserves coverage, send me a message or comment and I’ll do what I can.