
The Ghost of Christopher Hitchens is proud.

I’ve been hitting the refresh button for a few hours now, and at 83% turnout, it’s safe to say that Britain has, in fact, saved its soul. Unlike the remaining Euro-trash countries.

I’m not British and I’ve spent no appreciable amount of time in Britain, but I do understand and respect the special relationship between Britain and the United States. Britain was once great, then became less great, while the United States became greater. That’s pretty much it, right?

In Milo speak, the United States is like the highest and best distillation of the values and principals developed and fostered in Britain up until the end of the WWI.

Being an EU member compromised Britain’s self-determination, nationhood, identity and culture through the Schengen agreement and the common market. The pound will take a plunge, markets will fluctuate, and things will probably be bad for a while. Who’s denying that?

But in the long run, Brexit will prove to be one of Britain’s finest hours. For one, they will at least have the opportunity to reform an immigration system which is destroying the fabric of their own nation. Their small business sector will be freed of the choking regulations imposed by a foreign and unaccountable government. They will sign whatever treaties they like with whomever they like.

And if they fail, at least they will fail on their own terms.

But I don’t think they will. A far more likely scenario is that a time will come when the hopelessly corrupted EU will dissolve in a mire of its own regulatory excrement, and Britain will watch, distantly, and laugh over a plate of fish and chips.

Milo @ UC San Diego

Milo’s live Twitter feed was a feast of allegations against a certain fabulous super villain. Watching Milo’s latest installment of the Dangerous Faggot Tour, Twitter reflected the very same notions that I experienced. Namely, that he was on a little too much… something (that comes from Columbia and is called cocaine).

Milo’s swag was off, as Patrice O’neal put it. His swag was off until the end of the talk, where he finished strongly and showed his Press Secretary chops during question time. Milo needs stimulus to be at his best; his events with multiple stage presences or an interviewer lend to his improvisational skill set. Although Milo can deliver a good speech, he is better on his feet and that’s where his fans like to see him.

One of the best bits of the night occurred during the end of question time when Milo was asked about LGBT: “The transgender thing is a sort of confidence trick…it’s a sort of show of strength by the left. I like to imagine them getting into a room and saying ‘guys, what’s the most fucked up thing that we could make people say they believe, and if they don’t, we’ll get them fired! What should we do? Guys, what should we do? (snaps fingers) Got it! How about we say, like, put a man in, like, a bad dress right, and a wig, and if you don’t say that that is now a woman, you’re a bigot, you’ll lose your newspaper column, or you’ll lose your job.'”

What Milo is saying is that nobody believes that Caitlyn Jenner is a woman. Nobody believes it because it’s absurd. It’s the emperors new genitals. Well, no it isn’t, because Caitlyn hasn’t gone under the knife, at least not down there. The hardcore trannies slice and dice that shit until it’s an incomprehensible mash of mutilated flesh. Why aren’t the post-ops, in particular, rejecting this Jenner pretender? Why isn’t everyone? If you claim to be a drag queen, that’s all well and good, but if you claim to actually be a woman? Shouldn’t there be like a test or something? A polygraph? A questionnaire? No, nothing at all?

The left trademarked womanhood through third wave feminism during the seventies, and the left does whatever it wants with the things it owns. It owns women, or at least it claims to. It also claims to own blacks and all other minorities. The only thing the left does not claim to own is white men, because hey, gotta have a boogeyman! It’s divided men into two camps: pathetic or ultra violent. It has reduced real womanhood to a play for attention and a political tool to silence dissent.

Someone who earnestly believes they are in the wrong gender deserves sympathy and treatment and help and support, but what they do not need is the infected pustule we call national media encouraging them to attempt what is biologically impossible, and what in the long run has shown no greater propensity to produce happiness or to mitigate suicide than therapy has shown. Were someone to tell you that they felt their arm did not belong to them, would you encourage they cut it off, or would you encourage they maybe should get some help? The shit between our legs is no different, you get what you get.

Overall not Milo’s greatest appearance, but nobody bats 1000. I look forward to the next installment.

Also, have you noticed the coverage of the UCLA shooter Mainak Sarkar just sort of, well, became incredibly vague? Do you know why coverage has been made intentionally vague? Because the shooter wasn’t the boogeyman. The shooter wasn’t, in the left’s estimation, the real bad guy. The real bad guy is White Male, so it’s not really bad unless a white guy does it.

The Dangerous Faggot Tour hits UC Irvine!

Lights blackout as Constable Yiannopoulos enters the UC Irvine auditorium. He is announced by Kevin Flum’s “You Mad Bro?”, a song as fitting as its title suggests. A soundbite plays, “President Obama, you’re fired!” courtesy of the Donald. Queen Milo takes the podium and revitalizes his slightly tired message: social justice is cancer.

I’ve been hoping Milo would make this transition. I’ve been following his college tour with great interest because a flaming gay Brit with more American patriotism than most Americans is just about the rarest thing you will ever see.

The “feminism is cancer” tagline has aged and was in need of a facelift. Social justice, indeed, is the new cancer. I was hoping Milo would make this transition because feminism is one of many heads on the same snake. It is the ugliest head, for sure.

Broadening his focus to social justice gives Milo more material because social justice, at this point, is now a bigger umbrella than even feminism and perhaps a more toxic one. The mission of feminism is primarily to reduce men and thereby elevate women, while the mission of social justice is to silence dissent, to right historical wrongs but only those committed in the last 200 years by a tiny percentage of white people, to promote foreign and Un-American cultures while disparaging or denying the existence of American culture, to end any remnant of capitalism and free markets, to convince five year old children that they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, to erase the concept of gender entirely, to erase the family unit, to promote violence and fascism through satellite groups like BLM, you get the idea.


When UC Irvine College Republicans President Ariana Rolands asked Milo about white privilege, his answer drew less applause than it deserved. “I don’t think it’s jealousy, I mean the fact that straight white men built most of literature, art, the internet, philosophy, music, space travel, democracy, property rights, freedom, the rule of law, gave women the vote, gave minorities the vote, emancipated blacks after slavery…I mean who could say, maybe it’s jealousy?” He is being facetious (at least a little) here, but he goes on to describe our current failed immigration system where immigrants are no longer required, no longer even encouraged to assimilate but are in fact encouraged not to assimilate and to instead demand that Americans accommodate them and their foreign attitudes, cultures and ways, and even pay for their lives through welfare, free access to institutions, healthcare, etc. Remind me, what does a house divided do?

I think this is the single most pressing issue in America and if we’re to fix anything, we must return to a sensible immigration policy that is in the best interest of Americans, not leftists or big business.

There are countless minority and female support groups, charities, lobbyists, affirmative action programs, advocacy groups such as La Raza (which translates directly to “the race”), NOW, NAACP, there’s a Korean liquor store association where I live, special loan programs exist for recent immigrants but nothing for the native population, the list goes on. Imagine an official white male-only anything, it would immediately be labeled racist-sexist-bigot-homophobe, even though men of any other race and all women, period, are allowed their exclusive, tax-payer aided clubs.

What leftists are doing is incentivizing foreign, primarily peasant cultures to either immigrate legally or illegally in order to enlarge their voting base because peasant cultures vote overwhelmingly Democratic, 8-2. Now, wealthy suburbs in Baltimore are being forcedly “integrated” with affordable housing projects. These will undoubtedly lower the value of the current real estate and will probably displace the current residents. This is disguised by some warped perception of fairness and the left’s favorite buzzword, diversity, but this is nothing more than an attempt to artificially enlarge the leftist’s voting base. The left dominates America’s largest cities. Detroit, Chicago and LA are not coincidentally some of the most dangerous places to live, this is the effect of leftists’ policies in action. The next move is the suburbs, and they will abuse statues, laws, common decency and fairness to accomplish their objective.

During Milo question time, one sad-looking fat dude waddled up to the podium and began a three minute speech where he failed to ask one coherent question, then tried to self-promote his YouTube channel. The talk is worth it to watch just for the crowd’s reaction to this Trigglycuck.

Look forward to the next talk!


No, not the awesome new animation from HBO which everyone should watch, I’m talking about regular-ass animals. Like the gorilla that got shot at the zoo because some four year old wanted to switch parents. Like Cecil the lion that got shot and became famous because… I can’t remember. I can’t remember why because I don’t care. I don’t care about animals.

I care about humans. But I don’t care about animals. I don’t hate them, I think dogs are great and fun play with and train and yada yada. I’m indifferent to house cats because house cats are indifferent to me. I’m indifferent to most animals. Birds are fine. Big cats are cool. Horses, sure. Salmon are delicious as hell so I guess I’d prefer if they didn’t go extinct. Chickens, too. And cows.

But like, if all the dogs in the world just disappeared, I’d be like, well, ok, that’s a bummer, but then I’d get on with my life. Can you imagine the worldwide outcry if every dog just suddenly disappeared?? I literally can’t imagine it, because dogs are closer to humans now than they are to animals.

The reason I don’t care about animals is because I can’t have meaningful conversations with them, they don’t affect my life and they can do little else except die and feed me, and that’s ok. Also, animals are not moral agents, and that’s a distinction that has been dangerously blurred over the past 30-40 years. In the sense that life only exists on our planet (as far as we know), all of it is, to some degree, precious. But human life is far more precious than any other type, because human life is unique. To the man or woman who claims that humanity is a virus and should be eradicated, how about you eradicate yourself first?

Over the course of history, just about 99% of everything that’s ever been alive is now extinct, gone, never to return. I don’t advocate driving species to extinction, unless of course that species is a disease like polio, then bring out the chainsaws! But I recognize that nature drives species to extinction all on her own, and in wide and astonishing sweeps. We have about 4 billion years until the sun explodes, so if we don’t figure out light speed and how to colonize other planets in that time frame, then we and the rest of the fluffy cute kingdom shall join the dust of history.

More about the gorilla: I’m no Jane Goodall, but if I was that kid’s parent I would’ve shot that thing in a heart beat. We don’t know animals well enough to accurately predict their behavior in these kinds of situations, it’s as simple as that. Jane Goodall doesn’t know what would have happened, the Cinci staff didn’t know, the parents didn’t know. Human lives are more valuable than animal lives, I would have done the same thing, the risks were simply way too high. Maybe the gorilla was playing and maybe tranquilizers would have worked, but I’m not ready to roll those dice with a four year old kid. Now, who’s to blame? I first thought the parents for not watching the kid, then I thought the zoo for building the enclosure in such a way that a four year old could fall into it. I think the zoo is more to blame, say 65% and the parents, 35%, for not paying attention. Thoughts?

Patreeky and the race that doesn’t have a color

America is not the land of opportunity any longer; it’s the land of opportunism.

I’m trying to imagine what it would be like if Patrice O’Neal was still alive and had a solid hour at Yale, Missouri, or any other fine institution of higher indoctrination. Patrice walks up to the stage… he cracks a rape joke… then what happens?

I know what would happen if I cracked a rape joke in public, or if any of my white male friends did for that matter. We’d be crucified on the front page of every liberal rag in the country, then we’d be actually crucified by a tribe of feral feminists with fake blood smeared on their ugly faces which they bought at Hobby Lobby with their Dad’s Amex. But, if Patrice did it? I don’t know, that’s a confusing combination of grievance hierarchies… Now, being a female or a minority in America and across the west is to have certain special permissions. The reason why minorities and women (women are not a minority!!!!!!) have these special privileges is because, according to leftists, white European men have been depriving them of their rights and property, well, basically forever. Now, since the left is in control of just about everything, they are in a position to right these cosmic racial wrongs once and for all! Well… no.

Concerning black Americans, I sort of agree with Ann Coulter’s position: something, and I don’t know how big or how small that something is, but something is owed to the black community for the legacy of slavery.

However, if you apply principles consistently, which the left consistently doesn’t, that means that every group in America that was once enslaved is also owed. Yes, whites were slaves too, did ya know that? Up to one half of all the arrivals to the New World were white slaves. I demand my reparations! Tons of white people were slaves, in fact that’s where the word slave comes from, the Slavs of eastern Europe who were enslaved by the Celts, Greeks, Romans then Barbarians, etc. What this means is that if you go back far enough, everyone at one point or another has been f***** over by everyone else. So, if you give reparations to one group, you must also do it for all others. Now, since this is obviously impractical and crazy and nonsensical and ridiculous (read: the left), we should scrap the entire enterprise because it would simply be impossible to accomplish with any degree of accuracy or justice.

The Irish were enslaved in the US. They were called Paddies and they weren’t worth as much or treated as well as Western African slaves were. But leftist marxist ahistorical assclown teachers won’t ever tell you that, because it undercuts their privilege-by-victimhood narrative which has worked and continues to work marvelously for them, to the detriment of everyone with a conscience, a brain, or even one scintilla of honesty and appreciation of Western culture, values and accomplishments. Slavery is not a race thing, it’s a cast thing. The very rich whites in the south owned slaves, the very rich free blacks in the south also owned other blacks. Whites owned whites, and every other combination imaginable. But the left would have you believe that only one color, or rather, the race that doesn’t have a color, is responsible for slavery and that only one color, black, was ever on the receiving end of it.

At the height of slavery in the USA, not more than 1.4% of white Americans owned slaves, counting the north and the south. Have you ever heard that figure? Probably not. What is also often forgotten is the US Civil War, remember that? 600,000 young men died to end slavery in the United States in 1865. Leftist cultural marxist SJW swine lunatics would have you believe that the United States was the only place that practiced slavery and is the only place that should ever be blamed for it. Slavery was a worldwide phenomenon that existed from prehistory until the 18th to 19th centuries, with some outliers: Ethiopia had slavery until 1942, Saudi Arabia until 1962, Peru until 1968, India until 1976, and finally Mauritania until 1980! The United States and Britain effectively ended slavery as a moral crusade, but has the west ever been thanked for this? Read: have the white European men and women primarily responsible for ending slavery ever been thanked for it?

Have you ever heard about the Islamic slave trade? And I don’t mean the current slave markets being held by ISIS, but the 10-18 million African slaves stolen from their homes and dragged to Arabia with their dicks chopped off so they couldn’t reproduce. The brutal Islamic slave trade spanned 1400 years. Western European slavery lasted about 300. Ever notice how there’s basically no blacks in Arabia? Yea, that’s pretty much why. But does the left launch brazen Tumblr and Twitter and Facebook and Buzzfeed and Salon campaigns against the middle east for this? Do they ever even mention it!? Do they even acknowledge it!!?!!? DO THEY EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT!!!?!?!?!? They probably don’t, because according to leftists, facts and other people’s opinions are illegal.

Time to watch Milo and Dave Rubin at UCLA!